The Future of our Communities Start Here.

Learn how Project Bono is using correctional education to support community enrichment.
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The future of our communities start here.

Learn how Project Bono is using correctional education to support community enrichment.
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Our Commitments



We are committed to providing a correctional education structure that informs students on the bigger picture when it comes to substance use and behaviors.

Our goal is to guide students in redefining their thought processes so that they complete our courses feeling more enlightened and motivated than before they enrolled.


Our courses are authored using credible evidence-based sources that reference the leading research pertaining to each unit topic. 

Many of our resources are cited from reputable published research journals and legal texts.


Our learning platform is constantly evolving as we grow so we can better impact our students and communities.

Changing laws and new studies can affect the accuracy of our course contents so we are constantly learning about changes in reputable legal and research literature pertaining to the course topics we provide and updating as needed. 


We are committed to educating communities on how to contribute towards a safe and sustainable living environment inside and outside of the household.

We value networking within communities and connecting people with the right resources to create opportunity.


Unlike other court-ordered course platforms, we allocate a percentage of enrollment proceeds to contribute towards 501(c)(3) non-profits and local events that support communities who have integrated our courses and issue them as part of their correctional education policy.

Certificate of Completion

  • Certificate Integrity

    Each certificate is unique to the student and is instantly verifiable at any time. There is no certificate fee.

    • Acceptance Guarantee
    • Verification link
    • Student's name and birth date
    • Completion date and time requirement
    • Instant PDF downloads (ready for print and email)
  • Earning a Certificate

    Students earn their certificate of completion by meeting their time requirement and reaching the final section of the course.

Printable Handouts

Download PDF handouts to easily direct students to the correct course.
Print in color or black and white with space for additional notes.